Welcome To Recipes From the Heart

The old adage 'necessity is the mother of invention' was certainly true as I raised my children. When they were preschool age, my husband's company conducted a reduction of work force resulting in the loss of our only income. Have you ever read a recipe and had all the ingredients except one? Everyone has. So what do you do? Go to the store and buy the ingredient? That wasn't an option during those lean years. I learned to recreate recipes and create my own. I learned to enjoy opening the pantry and putting things together to make a new dish. I have kept the dishes through the years and still use them today. This site will feature my tweaked recipes and some I created on my own. Each of my adult books include recipes. I would love to know how you tweak my recipes for your family's taste or the supplies in your pantry.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sauteed New Potatoes

First let me apologize to my followers for not posting much lately.  There have been several family issues.  If you would like to know about them, please click on http://theresa-lifesjourney.blogspot.com. 

View detailsNow, my husband planted new potatoes.  We didn't get as many as we hoped, but he did get enough for us and some friends.  He wanted some of the potatoes boiled so he could put butter on each one and eat them.  I had a better idea.  Here's what I did:
  • Boiled new potatoes until the skin cracked.  Then poured off the water and put clean water in the pot--I have a hard time cleaning new potatoes, so this is how I do it.  You will be surprised when you pour off the water at how dirty it is.
  • Finished boiling new potatoes until fork tender.  Remove from water and allow to cool for a few minutes for easier handling.
  • Meanwhile, saute chopped onion in hot, dry skillet.  (I used two onions and 5 large new potatoes because my husband loves onion.  You measure to your taste.)
  • While onions saute, slice potatoes into about 1/4 inch pieces.
  • Add about 1/2 cup butter to the onion.
  • When butter melts, add potatoes.
  • Add about a cup of beef broth.
  • Allow broth to reduce.
  • Taste before adding salt and pepper due to the saltiness of beef broth.

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